E. C: Duty Schedule Menu

A temporary shift needs to be made for Bryan’s holiday: Shift holiday Bryan. The difference compared to the other shifts created so far is that with this duty, we DO set an end date.

Configuring Duty Schedule

You add a new shift as explained so far by:

  1. setting the name to Shift holiday Bryan;
  2. choosing the colour yellow;
  3. but NOT adding contact Bryan;
  4. selecting all day blocks;
  5. setting Tuesday 15 November as Begin date;
  6. setting Tuesday 22 November as End date;
  7. leaving the start day of the shift on Wednesday;
  8. Custom schedule is NOT ticked;
  9. clicking Save.

The shift then looks as follows:

Screenshot edit Bryan’s holiday duty

Result of Duty Schedule Cultivation

The result of this added shift can be easily seen in the duty schedule (Month overview):

Screenshot duty schedule cultivation Example C month overview

The yellow period indicates Bryan’s holiday. Since this shift projects across existing shifts, the symbol Overlapping shifts appears. This is just a warning that an overlapping duty has been set.

  • When this is an intended overlap, like a holiday, this is not a problem.
  • If it is an unintended overlap, then there was probably a mistake in setting up one or more shifts. Right-click on the Overlapping shift symbol in the calendar to easily see which shifts have been set. The first shift mentioned is active.