Contact icon Add and edit

  • From the dashboard, go to Contacts.
  • Click Add to create a (new) contact and fill in the fields below.
  • Select a contact, then click Edit to edit an existing contact. Change the relevant input field.
  • Click Save.

Good to know: you can create up to 50 contacts in an alarm dialler.

Explanation of input fields

Screenshot NewContact

(Left-hand side)


Enter a recognisable name; this name is visible in the logbook.

Interface language

The interface language is the language that this contact sees after logging in and NOT the language that the dialler speaks when sending an alarm. See Settings|Appearance|System Language to set the alarm language.

Acceptance pin

A person-specific code for accepting alarms via a telephone call. We recommend giving each contact their own unique acceptance pin.


By placing a tick, this contact can log in to the Octalarm alarm dialler.

Authorisation, username and password

Set the authority level, username and password.

There are 3 authorisation levels:

  1. User: read-only A user cannot make changes;
  2. Installer: full authority. All settings can be changed;
  3. Administrator: high authority. All settings can be changed, except:
    • creating or modifying REST API links (Octalarm Link)1;
    • creating external alarm diallers within ARA (Touch and/or Touch Pro)2;
    • creating or modifying links with ARA5 or ARA-Pro Next in Touch and/or Touch Pro2.

Note: you cannot convert the last Installer or Administrator to User because that would mean contacts, alarms and dialler settings can no longer be changed.

With the username and password set, the contact can access the dialler by:

Forgotten your password?

When a contact does not remember their password, an Administrator or Installer can reset it.

  • From the dashboard, go to Contacts.
  • Select the relevant contact and click Edit.
  • Scroll to Password and change it.
  • Click Save.

When ALL contacts with the role Administrator or Installer no longer know their passwords, you can access the dialler via the portal. See Dashboard: Forgot password for further explanation.

Linked tag

You can associate a tag for each contact as you wish (3 tags are included by default). Allows you to log into the alarm dialler without entering a password.

Add tag

  • Click Add.
  • Hold the tag against the RFID scanner. The pairing is confirmed with successful icon.
  • Click Save.

Delete tag

  • Click Delete.
  • Click Save.

(Right-hand side)

Contact information

You can add different call media per contact:

  • phone number: for calls or text messages;
  • Email / app: for Email notifications or app alerts;

    Please note: for app alerts, it is important to use the Email address you are known by in the portal (

  • paging: for alerting via POCSAG network.

Add call media

  • Click Add.
  • Select the desired call medium.
  • Enter the requested information (telephone number or Email address and password, if any).
  • Click Save.

Changing call media

  • Click the field whose value you want to adjust.
  • Make the desired changes.
  • Click Save.

Delete call media

  • Press the bin icon behind the corresponding call medium.
  • Click Save.

Screenshot NewContactJohnRole

Run test call

Screenshot NewContactJohnAdded

Note: we recommend performing a test call for newly entered contacts or after changing or adding a call medium.

  • Select the relevant contact.
  • Choose the call medium you want to test. There are 4 statuses of a test, indicated via a colour:
    • grey: no test call performed (yet);
    • blue: test call active;
    • green: test call successful;
    • red: test call failed.
  • Click Test next to the selected call medium.
  • Choose the interface over which you want to test (GSM, SMS, VoIP, Email; choice depends on call media). The status of Test changes according to the result of the test call.

The result of this test can be found in the logbook.


Only applicable to ARA.