Settings icon system icon sw-update icon Software update

We are constantly updating the software for Octalarm alarm diallers. This not only improves usage, but also solve problems or adds new options.

Note: it is important to equip the dialler with the latest software version.

Whether your dialler is up-to-date can be found under Settings|Software update. You will also find what has changed in which version by looking here in the release notes, under version history. See also Firmware version overview for all available features for each software version.

Note: to perform a software check or receive a software update, the dialler must be connected to the Internet.

Perform software check

The alarm dialler may conduct a forced search for a possible update.

  • Go to Settings|Software update.
  • Click Check. After a few seconds, you will see whether your dialler has the latest software. Screenshot Software update

Perform software update

The alarm dialler automatically downloads software and notifies when the download is complete.

  • Go to Settings|Software update.
  • Click the Update button to start the update process; it takes about 20 seconds.
  • The update process is completed by restarting the dialler.

In addition to being listed in the version history under Settings|Software update, firmware updates are also logged in the dialler’s log with the message firmware updated from ... to ....

Tip: after an update, it is wise to run a test call. See Contacts|Add and edit: Run test call for how to perform this test call.

What if the software update fails?

Is the update not working for you even though you tried implementing it? You can still get it running in just 15 minutes.

  • Move the housing cover up until you hear a click.
  • Press the little white button next to the battery (PWR-OFF) and hold it down for several seconds until the alarm dialler restarts. Image PWR-off button
  • Wait 10 minutes after the alarm dialler has restarted.
  • Click the message Software update, Update available... again; this message appears on the dialler’s dashboard.
  • Perform the software update.