Legislation and regulations

Safety regulations

  • Mount the dialler and/or EM-8001 on a stable panel or wall.
  • Mount the dialler at a height of 2 metres or lower.
  • Protect the dialler and/or EM-8001 against overvoltage by using an earthed power supply.
  • If an Ethernet cable comes from outside the premises (ground cable), you should equip it with surge protection.
  • Use the dialler and/or EM-8001 only in areas that are protected from the weather.
  • The operating temperature of the dialler is between 0°C and +50°C. Using the dialler outside this temperature range may cause damage.
  • The operating temperature of the EM-8001 is between -30°C and +70°C. Using the EM-8001 outside this temperature range may cause damage.
  • The products are not suitable for use in areas where children may be present.

Note: when recycling and/or disposing (), take into account the regulations applicable in your country.

Battery requirements

  • Only use the battery supplied by Adésys for the Octalarm alarm diallers (A-Batt-6.4V). Developed by Adésys, it is fully approved and has a chip which it uses to communicate its status.
  • Do not expose the battery to temperatures above +85°C or to open flames.
  • Do not damage the battery. Avoid falling, deforming, bumping, cutting or penetrating with a sharp object.
  • Do not charge or discharge a damaged battery.
  • Keep the battery away from direct contact with liquid. Do not use a battery if it is wet or looks damp.

Note: when recycling and/or disposing (), take into account the regulations applicable in your country.

Safe alerting

To obtain safe and reliable alerts, we recommend that you

Regular alarm testing

The Octalarm alarm dialler has been developed and manufactured with great care. Nevertheless, given the great importance of effective alerts, it is highly recommended to test alarms regularly, say once a week. This not only tests the proper functioning of the alarm dialler but also the downstream telephone connections. A good test, for example, is to briefly remove the mains plug, causing a power failure. See Contacts|Add and edit: Run test call for more test options.


  • Change the battery every 3 years (see How to replace the battery).
  • Keep the screen clean from grease, water and dust.
  • The calculated lifetime is 10.64 years. Replace the alarm dialler when this period has expired.

Storage and transport

  • Store and transport the product on a flat surface.
  • There should be no flammable or explosive materials nearby.
  • For the alarm dialler, the storage temperature is between 0°C and +85°C.
  • For the EM-8001, the storage temperature is between -40°C and +85°C.
  • Do not store the alarm dialler and/or the EM-8001 in direct sunlight.
  • It is not recommended to have the dialler disconnected from the mains for more than a year because:
    • the internal clock then loses the correct time/date;
    • this negatively affects battery life.

Defects and repair

Contact the Adésys helpdesk when a malfunction or failure has occurred. Opening the alarm dialler and/or EM-8001 will void the warranty. Repair of the dialler and/or EM-8001 is only permitted by experts appointed by Adésys.

Recycling and disposal

The alarm dialler and/or EM-8001 is an electronic device. Electronic equipment should not be mixed with household waste.

Note: when the alarm dialler or battery is at the end of its service life, please observe the regulations applicable in your country when disposing of it.

Warranty and liability

Every product is subjected to a series of extensive tests by Adésys before shipment. The warranty claim is void if:

  • the defect was caused by gross negligence or incompetent installation;
  • repairs and/or modifications have been made to the equipment without Adésys’ consent;
  • removal or corruption of the serial number is established.

Adésys products do not offer a 100% guarantee against damage, but are only a tool to prevent damage. Therefore, discuss the remaining risk with your insurer.

All our transactions are subject to the 2019 General Terms & Conditions issued by Koninklijke Metaalunie (the Dutch organization for small and medium-sized enterprises in the metal industry), filed at the Registry of the District Court in Rotterdam on 1 January 2019.

In accordance with Article 13 of these Metaalunie terms & conditions, Adésys does not accept any liability for consequential damage caused by inexpert use of, and/or faults in, its products.

In addition to the applicable Metaalunie Terms & Conditions, both Client and Contractor are obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations regarding sanctioned countries.

Fields of application | Quality mark

Adésys products are CE marked only, which makes them suitable for application within the European Economic Area (EEA) only.