Settings icon general icon network icon Network: internet check

Via the dialler

Remote setup

Internet status (1st tab): status connection per interface

Infographic internet check

1Internet status
Icon ethernet-greyCorrect connection, not active (white)
Icon ethernet-greenActive connection (green)
Icon ethernet-redFailure, no network (red)
Icon ethernet-dark greyNo successful check (grey)
2Check connection
Icon successfulLast check (approved)
wait callback icon greyLast check (time)
accept icon greyLast successful
3Interface name
4Register as system failure
alarm iconDisplayed after the interface name when set as system failure.

Reporting as system failure

You can choose per interface to report a system failure if the connection check fails. When a system failure occurs, the icon turns red and you see the time of the last check and last successful check. The system failure is also shown on the dashboard.

Good to know: when an interface fails, the active connection automatically switches to the other interface. So your alarms are always guaranteed.

Adjust setting

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to Network.
  • Click Edit. Screenshot InternetStatus system failure
  • Tick (or un-tick) the desired interface.
  • Click Save.

Like other system failures, you can add internet status alarms to a call list. See Alarms|Configuring inputs for further explanation on setting the alarm and linking call lists.

Good to know: the Delay before active is set to half an hour by default with these alarms.

Network check (2nd tab): set method for checking connection

Screenshot Network Check

There are 3 ways to check the connection:

  • cable: is the Ethernet cable connected / not connected properly;
  • portal (DNS): based on a DNS check to the portal’s configuration servers. This type is default;
  • own URL: an http(s) check based on a custom URL. The custom URL must be http or https based and may be a URL or IP address.

Adjust setting

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to Network.
  • Select the Network Check tab.
  • Click Edit.
  • Select the desired check type.
  • Click Save.

Diagnostics (3rd tab): execute ping command

Screenshot Diagnostics

To provide support and diagnose problems, you can run a ping command over the available interfaces. When selecting Auto, the alarm dialler determines which interface to use.

Run ping command

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to Network.
  • Select the Diagnostics tab.
  • Select the desired interface.
  • Click Ping.

Adjust ping domain

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to Network.
  • Select the Diagnostics tab.
  • Click Edit.
  • Enter the desired host name or IP address (ping URL).
  • Click Save.