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Upgrade compatibility

Good to know: all Octalarm Link APIs are backward compatible. When we add new functionality to Octalarm Link, we increment the API version number for any non-backward-compatible changes to the API.

Examples of non-backward-compatible changes

  • Changes to the URL or request/response models of an application.
  • Delete, rename or change the type of a declared property.
  • Delete or rename APIs or API parameters.
  • Addition of a required request header.

Examples of backward compatible changes

  • Addition of properties to an application model that are nullable or have a default value.
  • Addition of properties to an answer model.
  • Addition of a paragraph to a list.
  • Introduction of paging on existing collections.
  • Changes in error codes.
  • Changes in property sequence.
  • Changes to the length or format of strings, such as resource IDs.

Known problems

1The REST API interface always responds with JSON data, regardless of the Content-Type setting
2While testing the API with the OpenApi (Swagger), there may be no response if the input is incorrect

New features/solutions

Software versionDescription
2.5.3No changes to Octalarm Link
2.5.2No changes to Octalarm Link
2.5.1No changes to Octalarm Link
2.5.0No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.9No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.8No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.7No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.6No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.5The version API has been improved: possible to check hardware and branding; very useful to check that the right configuration is connected
2.4.4After updating to version 2.4.4:
1. are old tokens are no longer valid because they contain an error.
Restore communication: replace old tokens with new tokens. You generate a new token using the Regenerate token button under Settings|Octalarm Link.
2. changed the limit of the maximum number of categories: increased from 8 to 128 global categories
2.4.3After updating to version 2.4.3:
1. are old tokens no longer valid due to a library update.
Restore communication: replace old tokens with new tokens. You generate a new token using the Regenerate token button under Settings|Octalarm Link.
2. changed the maximum limit of some elements of the alarm API:
- the limit for message has been increased from 40 to 100 characters;
- the limit for name has been increased from 20 to 40 characters;
- the limit for unique_id has been increased from 50 to 120 characters
2.4.2No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.1No changes to Octalarm Link
2.4.0First release JSON REST API