Settings icon system icon speaker icon Speaker

You can adjust the volume of the speaker to your liking to a minimum of 20%. The overall volume cannot be completely muted. If you do want to mute the volume of the dialler entirely, you can turn off the buzzer for each alarm input if necessary. See Alarms|Configuring inputs: Alarm settings (left-hand side) Buzzer for further explanation.

Note: if the buzzer for an input is disabled, the external buzzer does not activate either.

Local alert delay

The local alert delay ensures that the dialler sends out alarms first, before the buzzer or flashing light are activated. We recommend setting this delay time shorter than the acceptance time.

Changing speaker volume and alert delay

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to Speaker.
  • Click Edit. Screenshot Speaker
  • Slide the bar to the desired volume.
  • Set the desired delay time.
  • Click Save.