Settings icon linked icon ARA icon ARA 5

It is possible to report alarms from the Touch and Touch-Pro to the old ARA 5 system (ARA-Pro version 5).

Good to know: make sure that the diallers can find each other through the (company) network, by
1. placing the diallers in the same network;
2. linking the different networks.

Pair Touch and/or Touch Pro dialler to ARA 5

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to ARA 5.
  • Click Edit. Screenshot ARA 5
  • Enable the component.
  • Enter the URL or IP address of the ARA 5 computer.
  • Enter the port used.
  • Use the correct location code. This can be found in the ARA 5 system.
  • Select the desired network interface.
  • Click Save.

Tip: ARA 5 is a very outdated system. If you are still using this system, we recommend switching to its successor ARA-Pro Next.