
Tip: looking for a specific topic? Use the search icon ().

Overview of alarm diallers

This manual applies to the following Octalarm alarm diallers:

  • Octalarm-Touch;
  • Octalarm-Touch Pro;
  • ARA-Touch Pro: the ARA-Pro Next system.

Where a section of this manual applies only to a specific type of dialler, this is always stated.

Please note the warranty and liability that apply to all our products.

© Adesys B.V. | version of manual: 2.5.3

There are several methods to navigate through the sections of the manual:

  • via the navigation window (sidebar on the left).
    The navigation window contains a list of all chapters. Clicking on one of the titles will load that page. The sidebar may not appear automatically if the window is too narrow. In that case, click the menu icon () at the top left of the page to open and close the sidebar;

  • with the arrow keys on the side of the page.
    Clicking the arrow key navigates to the previous or next item;

  • using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard.

The menu bar at the top of the page contains some icons for interaction.

Opens/closes the sidebar with the navigation overview
Opens a selector to choose another colour theme
Opens a search bar to search the manual

Tapping on the menu bar will bring up the page.

The manual has a built-in search system. Clicking the search icon () in the menu bar, or the S key on the keyboard, opens an input field for entering search terms. Using these search terms, the search system displays the matching sections and subsections in real time.

Clicking on one of the results will jump to that section of the manual. To navigate through the results, use the scroll wheel on your mouse, the scroll bar on the right-hand side or the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard. Using Enter or the right arrow key of your keyboard opens the highlighted section.

After loading a search result, the matching search terms are highlighted in the text. Clicking on a highlighted word or Esc removes the highlight.

Enlarge images

When you hover over an image and see the symbol, you can display the image in a larger size by clicking on it.