Settings icon interfaces icon gsm-icon icon GSM

The alarm dialler features a GSM module with a non-activated SIM card.

Good to know: via Remote setup you can only view the GSM settings and NOT create and edit them. You can make any changes via the dialler.

Activate supplied SIM card

You can activate the SIM card during onboarding. This allows the user to subscribe to the all-in service Octalarm Connect.

Good to know: if you did not opt for Octalarm Connect during onboarding, you can still activate this all-in service via Settings|Octalarm Connect or via Remote setup. See The portal:|Remote setup (global) and Remote setup (local) for further explanation.

See Octalarm Connect for more information and read how to activate this additional service.

Using your own SIM card

If you do not plan to use your own SIM card, you can skip this section.

  • Under Quickstart Alarm dialler(s): GSM-module you will read how to
    • remove the GSM module;
    • replace the SIM card supplied with the SIM card of your own provider;
    • reinsert the GSM module.
  • Then restart the dialler.
  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, scroll to GSM.
  • Click Edit.
  • Enter the PIN and APN details. These settings depend on your provider. Customise GSM settings shows you what information you need. For this information, please refer to your system administrator and/or provider.
  • Click Save.

Customise GSM settings


By default, this is enabled. Clicking the tick will disable the GSM component. As a result, you no longer send alarms via GSM.

Tip: to maintain redundancy, we strongly recommend leaving the component enabled.

PIN code

By default, this is disabled. Ticking the box will enable the PIN. If you choose Enabled, enter a code of 4–8 digits.

Mobile internet

Data enabled:

Using the GSM module for internet data is enabled by default. Clicking the tick will disable internet data via GSM.

Calling via 4G:

Calling over data connection (VoLTE) is enabled by default. Clicking the tick will disable VoLTE.

Setting APN

PDP type:

The dialler features 3 Packet Data Protocol types: IPv4, IPv6 and IP4 & IPv6.

  • Click the PDP type that applies.

APN type:

You can have the APN connected in 2 ways:

  • Dynamic: connect automatically;
  • Static: choose your own APN name. Enter an APN name when you select Static.

Username: and Password:

If your APN is protected with a username and password, you can enter them here.

Authentication type:

The dialler features 3 ‘Password’ or ‘Handshake’ authentications: PAP, CHAP and AUTO.

  • Click the authentication type that applies.

GSM firmware update

Additions to the GSM|UMTS|VoLTE profiles are released regularly. You can perform the GSM firmware update yourself.

  • Go to Settings.
  • In the navigation, select GSM.
  • Click Edit.
  • Scroll down to GSM Firmware update. Screenshot GSM update
  • Press the Update button to start the update process (max. 5 to 10 minutes).

    Note: while updating profiles, no mobile connection is available.

After updating, the dialler automatically returns to the home screen (dashboard). The update is logged in the dialler’s logbook.