Initial settings (onboarding)

After switching on for the first time or resetting to factory settings, the dialler displays a wizard for initial settings (onboarding). Follow the on-screen instructions.

1. Select the desired device language

screen onboarding select flag

The device language determines the language of the:

  • text(s) on the device;
  • spoken alarm text(s).

See Settings|Display|System language for further explanation.

2. Select a region and country

screen onboarding country selection

The selected location determines the time zone. See Settings|Display|Time Zone for further explanation.

3. Select the desired keyboard

screen onboarding keyboard selection

See Settings|Display|Keyboard for further explanation.

4. Set the country code and any dial-out number and/or pre-running prefix indicator

screen onboarding country code

See Settings|System|Country Codes for further explanation.

Note: to avoid dial-out problems, we recommend using the default country codes.

5. Change the location name (default: Octalarm) to a name with which you can recognise the location

screen onboarding location name

See Settings|System|Location name for further explanation.

6. Set up the device installer and/or administrator

screen onboarding administrator

Fill in all the fields and follow the on-screen instructions. See Contacts|Add and edit: Authorisation, username and password for further explanation on the different authorisations of contacts.

link screen onboarding tag

The tag allows the installer/administrator easy access to the dialler.

8. Optional: subscribe to the Octalarm Connect all-in service

The Octalarm Connect service ensures that dialling out is possible at low, fixed costs per month via GSM and/or VoIP/SIP directly.

Note: when you exit Octalarm Connect, first link the dialler on the portal to a company account ( of the end user. See The portal: for further explanation. After that, you can also link the dialler to the installer’s account if necessary.

Tip: when the Octalarm Connect subscription fails, e.g. the message Portal not reachable, Payment failed, etc., we advise you to use the portal ( See Octalarm Connect for more info on activating Octalarm Connect.

Note: when you choose Skip, Own server will be set. This applies to VoIP and Email. See respectively Settings|Interfaces|VoIP and Settings|Interfaces|Email on how to set up your own SIP and/or SMTP server in the alarm dialler. When activating Connect at a later date, do not forget to manually convert the Email and VoIP server to Octalarm Portal.

9. Select the alarm interfaces in use (GSM/PSTN/VoIP)

screen onboarding interfaces

10. Make use of the FREE Adesys Alarm app

Screen onboarding AppAlarmering

For more information on the free app, see Adesys Alarm app.

All finished!

The initial settings are now complete. Clicking Finish activates the Octalarm alarm dialler.