Contact icon Service groups

Screenshot Service Groups

A service group1 is a group of contacts within a discipline in the company who have their own type of disruptions. For example: Climate or Technical Services. To control how alerts are handled, link a service group to an alarm input. In the event of an emergency, the relevant discipline within the company will then receive the alert.

By default, there are two service groups:

  • All contacts: automatically generated list of all contacts with a phone number. This service group is linked to all inputs by default, so an alarm always reports out.

  • Administrators: automatically generated list of all contacts with the authority Administrator whose phone number has been entered. This call list is used in case of the system failure No one scheduled.

You can not use these default service groups in the duty schedule. To get started with the duty schedule, you need to create at least 1 service group.

See Duty schedule module|Sections module|Service groups menu for further explanation on the use of service groups within the duty schedule.

Tip: setup and management of service groups can also be performed via The portal:|Remote setup (global) and Remote setup (local). We recommend this for sections of the duty schedule module.

Screenshot service group menu via portal


Only applicable to ARA and diallers licensed for duty schedule module (DUTY).