Product style icon link Check dialler settings

Note: after correctly installing the REST API it is important to:
1. pair the correct call list/service group with the correct REST API input;
2. check the call list/service group of the system alarms Watchdog alarm and Unknown location;
3. check the alarm settings of general alarm Standard category.

Tip: as well as on the dialler itself, dialler settings can also be viewed (for contacts with the role User), created and edited (for contacts with the role Installer or Administrator) via Remote setup. See The portal: and Remote setup (local) for further explanation.

1. Linking call list/service group to REST API inputs

  • From the dashboard, go to Alarms.
  • Select the relevant REST API input.
  • Click Edit. On the left side are the alarm settings and on the right side you can pair a call list/service group or create new ones. See Alarms|Configuring inputs for further explanation.
  • Click Save.

Note: repeat these steps for all REST API interface(s).

2. Check system alarms Watchdog alarm and Unknown Location

  • From the dashboard, go to Alarms.
  • Select System.
  • Select Watchdog alarm or Unknown location.
  • Click Edit. On the left side are the alarm settings and on the right side you can pair a call list/service group or create new ones. See Alarms|Configuring inputs for further explanation.
  • Click Save.

3. Check alarm settings Standard category

Note: when adding categories, the dialler automatically creates a general alarm Standard category. The dialler uses this alarm’s settings if no specific alarm settings have been created for a category.

  • From the dashboard, go to Alarms.
  • Select the relevant REST API interface.
  • Click Standard category.
  • Click Edit. On the left side are the alarm settings and on the right side you can pair a call list/service group or create new ones. See Alarms|Configuring inputs for further explanation.
  • Click Save.

Note: repeat these steps for all REST API interface(s).