
Logged out

Infogragphic Dashboard LoggedOUT

1System info screen
3Forgotten password

System info screen

Screenshot Dashboard System Info

Pressing the GSM signal strength icon opens the system information screen. (Also accessible when not yet logged in.)


Login can be done in 2 different ways:

Forgotten password

Screenshot Dashboard PasswordRecovery

If you do not remember ALL the passwords within the dialler, you can still access the dialler this way. This functionality is only possible when:

  • the device is connected to the Internet (GSM and/or Ethernet);
  • the device is added/linked to a company account on the portal Octalarm portal. Adding a device to the portal can also be done after installation; see The portal: portal.octalarm.com: Pair alarm dialler(s) for further explanation;
  • The web portal has already been enabled (see Settings|Interfaces|Web portal for further explanation);
  • the login details (Email address and password) to the Octalarm portal are known of a contact with the authority of Administrator or Installer AND Allow login is enabled for this contact.

Change password

  • Click the question mark.
  • Enter the portal login details (Email address and password) of an Administrator or Installer.
  • Set a new password for the dialler (by entering it twice).
  • Click Change password.

Tip: immediately set a new password for all contacts present. This ensures that you can continue to access the dialler.

Logged in

Infographic Dashboard LoggedIN

1Interface status
Icon gsm greyActive (grey)
Icon gsm greenIn use (green)
Icon gsm redError (red)
Icon gsm dark-greyOut of order (dark grey)
2Active internet connection
3Current time
4Current schedule
5Alarm status
Icon net greenRest (green)
Icon net redActive (red)
Icon net orangeCall successful (orange)
Icon net greyDisabled (grey)
6Contacts / Call lists or Service groups

Notifications on dashboard

1. Alarm notification

Infographic Dashboard Alarm

1Type of time schedule
Icon day greyDay
Icon night greyNight
Icon weekend greyIn weekend
2Input number and name
Busy calling...
Waiting for...
4Date alarm occurred
5Linked call list or service group
6Repetition (number of repetitions / max. number of repetitions)

When you click the notification, you are given two options:

Only buzzer off
Mutes the buzzer. The buzzer is unmuted when the Octalarm alarm dialler records no activity for XX minutes.

Accept all alarms
By accepting all alarms, the Octalarm alarm dialler does not start a new call for these alarms until the waiting time between repetitions has expired. See Alarms|Configure inputs: Waiting time between repetitions for more information on the waiting time.

Screenshot Dashboard AcceptAlarm

2. Update available

Screenshot Dashboard SoftwareUpdate

  • Press the notification to go to the update menu.
  • Implement the new update.

Implementation takes a few seconds. Then the dialler automatically restarts.

Changing settings

Contacts with the authority of Administrator or Installer have rights to modify settings via the Modify button. This button is not visible to a contact with the authority User.

Customise settings

  • Go to the desired menu: Contacts (contacts icon), Alarms (alarms icon) or Settings (settings icon).
  • Press Modify (location at the top right or at the bottom of a scroll list).
  • Change the settings as desired.
  • Press Save (location at top right, or in case of call list / service group edit at the bottom).

Tip: settings can also be viewed (for contacts with the role User), or created and edited (for contacts with the role Installer or Administrator), via Remote setup. See The portal: portal.octalarm.com|Remote setup (global) and Remote setup (local) for further explanation.